80男孩 发表于 2012-5-25 21:33:53

开源系统 Tizen 发表 1.0 Larkspur 版本

今天我们很高兴宣布1.0 Tizen拉克斯珀,此外,包括新的免费组件以及源代码,重点是提高稳定性和性能。我们相信,这些更新和新产品,提高开发人员的经验。我们也在继续努力改进和增加,我们将做频繁更新的SDK和源代码。也有一些附加组件,我们计划增加在未来几周内,我们将继续修复bug和添加额外的功能。




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Today we are excited to announce Tizen 1.0 Larkspur, including the addition of new complimentary components, as well as source code that focuses on enhancing stability and performance. We believe that these updates and new offerings improve the experience for developers. We are also continuing to work on improvements and additions, and we will be doing frequent updates to the SDK and source code. There are a few additional components that we plan to add in the coming weeks, and we will continue to fix bugs and add additional features.
We encourage you to download the new SDK and let us know what you think! You can learn more about where to ask questions or submit bugs by visiting our community page.
This release provides new features and other improvements, including the following updates to the SDK:

[*]Simulator: A new browser-based tool that supports the Tizen APIs and allows you to run and debug your web applications, and simulate running applications with various device profiles.
[*]IDE: Enhancements include more flexibility around templates and debugging tools.
[*]Emulator: Significantly improved emulator performance through Intel's Hardware Acceleration Manager for Windows and OpenGL acceleration for Linux.
Updates to the platform source code include:

[*]Web: Support for additional features of W3C/HTML5 specification
[*]Location: Support for POI (Point of Interest) and route search
[*]Connectivity: Wi-Fi Direct key features added
This is just a summary of the many changes, but you can see the full list by visiting the release notes pages for the SDK and the source code.
We have also made a number of improvements to the community infrastructure. We have also added a bug tracker and wiki for the community. There are also a number of back-end changes, designed to improve stability and scalability of the infrastructure. We hope you enjoy all of these new improvements for the Tizen project.
The Tizen Technical Steering Group

qq350275321 发表于 2012-8-31 01:29:15

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