- #include <libxml/parser.h> // include this header file into your .h file
- void create_xmldoc()
- {
- xmlDocPtr doc;
- xmlNodePtr root_node;
- //new document instance
- doc = xmlNewDoc(BAD_CAST"1.0");
- //set root node
- root_node = xmlNewNode(NULL,BAD_CAST"root");
- xmlDocSetRootElement(doc,root_node);
- //create a comment and cdata section
- xmlNodePtr cdata = xmlNewCDataBlock(doc,BAD_CAST "This is a CData block",xmlStrlen(BAD_CAST "This is a CData block"));
- xmlAddChild(root_node,cdata);
- xmlNodePtr comment = xmlNewComment(BAD_CAST "This is a comment node");
- xmlAddChild(root_node,comment);
- //create sub-node under the root node
- xmlNewChild(root_node, NULL, BAD_CAST "newNode1", BAD_CAST "newNode1 content");
- xmlNewTextChild(root_node, NULL, BAD_CAST "newNode2", BAD_CAST "newNode2 content");
- //create a node with content and attribute, add to root
- xmlNodePtr node = xmlNewNode(NULL,BAD_CAST"node2");
- xmlNodePtr content = xmlNewText(BAD_CAST"NODE CONTENT");
- xmlAddChild(root_node,node);
- xmlAddChild(node,content);
- xmlNewProp(node,BAD_CAST"attribute",BAD_CAST "yes");
- //create a son and grandson of the root
- node = xmlNewNode(NULL, BAD_CAST "son");
- xmlAddChild(root_node,node);
- xmlNodePtr grandson = xmlNewNode(NULL, BAD_CAST "grandson");
- xmlAddChild(node,grandson);
- xmlAddChild(grandson, xmlNewText(BAD_CAST "This is a grandson node"));
- //create a node with namespace
- node = xmlNewNode(NULL,BAD_CAST "newNode3");
- xmlAddChild(root_node,node);
- xmlNsPtr ns = xmlNewNs(node,BAD_CAST "http://org.tizen.xmldemo/ns/newNode3",BAD_CAST "cns");
- xmlNodePtr subnode = xmlNewChild(node,ns,BAD_CAST "subNode1",BAD_CAST "subNode1 content");
- xmlNewNsProp(subnode,ns,BAD_CAST "subNode1Attr",BAD_CAST "subNode1 attribute");
- subnode = xmlNewNode(ns,BAD_CAST "subNode2");
- xmlAddChild(node,subnode);
- xmlNewNsProp(subnode,ns,BAD_CAST "dataType",BAD_CAST "datetime");
- xmlNewTextChild(subnode,ns,BAD_CAST "date",BAD_CAST "2015-06-10");
- //save the document
- int nRel = xmlSaveFile(XML_FILE_NAME,doc);
- if (nRel != -1)
- {
- xmlChar *docstr;
- int len;
- xmlDocDumpMemory(doc, &docstr, &len);
- dlog_print(DLOG_INFO, LOG_TAG, "[create_xmldoc]File length: %d, file content:\n%s", len, docstr);
- }
- //memory free
- xmlFreeDoc(doc);
- }
- void read_xmldoc()
- {
- xmlDocPtr doc;
- xmlNodePtr curNode;
- xmlChar *szKey;
- xmlChar *szAttr;
- xmlChar *content;
- xmlChar *attrVal;
- // parsing the xml file and return the doc handler(xmlDocPtr)
- doc = xmlParseFile(XML_FILE_NAME);
- if (NULL == doc)
- {
- dlog_print(DLOG_INFO, LOG_TAG, "[read_xmldoc]Error in xmlParseFile\n");
- }
- //get root element
- curNode = xmlDocGetRootElement(doc);
- if (NULL == curNode)
- {
- dlog_print(DLOG_INFO, LOG_TAG, "[read_xmldoc]Error in xmlDocGetRootElement\n");
- }
- if (xmlStrcmp(curNode->name, BAD_CAST "root"))
- {
- xmlFreeDoc(doc);
- }
- // search children by node name
- szKey = BAD_CAST "node2";
- szAttr = BAD_CAST "attribute";
- get_child(curNode, szKey, &content, szAttr, &attrVal);
- dlog_print(DLOG_INFO, LOG_TAG, "[read_xmldoc]Get node content and attribute, node: %s, content: %s; attribute: %s, attribute value: %s\n",
- szKey, content, szAttr, attrVal);
- xmlFree(content);
- xmlFree(attrVal);
- szKey = BAD_CAST "son";
- curNode = get_child(curNode, BAD_CAST "son", &content, NULL, NULL);
- dlog_print(DLOG_INFO, LOG_TAG, "[read_xmldoc]Get node content and attribute, node: %s, content: %s\n", szKey, content);
- xmlFree(content);
- szKey = BAD_CAST "grandson";
- get_child(curNode, BAD_CAST "grandson", &content, NULL, NULL);
- dlog_print(DLOG_INFO, LOG_TAG, "[read_xmldoc]Get node content and attribute, node: %s, content: %s\n", szKey, content);
- xmlFree(content);
- xmlFreeDoc(doc);
- }
- static xmlNodePtr
- get_child(xmlNodePtr parent, xmlChar* name, xmlChar** content, xmlChar* attr, xmlChar** attrVal)
- {
- xmlNodePtr curNode;
- xmlChar *szContent;
- xmlChar* szAttr;
- curNode = parent->xmlChildrenNode;
- while(curNode != NULL)
- {
- // get content of node
- if ( !xmlStrcmp(curNode->name, name) )
- {
- szContent = xmlNodeGetContent(curNode);
- *content = szContent;
- break;
- }
- curNode = curNode->next;
- }
- // get value of attribute if exists
- if ( curNode != NULL &&
- attr != NULL &&
- xmlHasProp(curNode,attr) )
- {
- szAttr = xmlGetProp(curNode,attr);
- *attrVal = szAttr;
- }
- return curNode;
- }