导入 tizen SDk 删除 signature
Always in Tizen SDK rebuild the wgt with the test signature :始终在Tizen SDK 重建wgt,并附上 test signature
把wgt放入上一步你已创建的apk里(你必须复制并覆盖原始文件):Put the wgt u have created in the step above inside the apk ( you have to copy it over the original)
Sign 这个 APK
Mod your APK to work with TizenMod 3.0 (Root ROM/ Firmware)
Bring the apk ( you can also install via Samsung App Store and copy the apk with a root browser from /data/app/)
Pull the wgt file that are inside the assets folder
Import in tizen SDk and remove the signature
Always in Tizen SDK rebuild the wgt with the test signature
Put the wgt u have created in the step above inside the apk ( you have to copy it over the original)
Sign the APK