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发表于 2014-2-1 12:04:56 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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  1. {{ArticleMetaData
  2. |sourcecode=[[Media:I18nMeego.zip]]
  3. |installfile= <!-- Link to installation file (e.g. [[Media:The Installation File.sis]]) -->
  4. |devices= <!-- Devices tested against - e.g. ''devices=Nokia 6131 NFC, Nokia C7-00'') -->
  5. |sdk= <!-- SDK(s) built and tested against (e.g. [http://linktosdkdownload/ Nokia Qt SDK 1.1]) -->
  6. |platform= <!-- Compatible platforms - e.g. Symbian^1 and later, Qt 4.6 and later -->
  7. |devicecompatability= <!-- Compatible devices e.g.: All* (must have internal GPS) -->
  8. |dependencies= <!-- Any other/external dependencies e.g.: Google Maps Api v1.0 -->
  9. |signing=<!-- Signing requirements - empty or one of: Self-Signed, DevCert, Manufacturer -->
  10. |capabilities=<!-- Capabilities required by the article/code example (e.g. Location, NetworkServices. -->
  11. |keywords= <!-- APIs, classes and methods (e.g. QSystemScreenSaver, QList, CBase -->
  12. |id= <!-- Article Id (Knowledge base articles only) -->
  13. |language=Lang-Chinese
  14. |translated-by= <!-- [[User: XXXXX]] -->
  15. |translated-from-title=<!-- Title only -->
  16. |translated-from-id= <!-- Id of translated revision -->
  17. |review-by=<!-- After re-review: [[User:username]] -->
  18. |review-timestamp=<!-- After re-review: YYYYMMDD -->
  19. |update-by=<!-- After significant update: [[User:username]]-->
  20. |update-timestamp=<!-- After significant update: YYYYMMDD -->
  21. |creationdate=20110616
  22. |author=[[User:Flycarl]]
  23. }}
  24. ===准备===
  25. *测试手机:Harmanttan,RM680
  26. *Image 版本:22-4 PR ,(18-5之前的版本无法识别地区)
  27. *开发平台:N950SDK 22-5(22-5以前的版本使用Qt creator 无法正确部署desktop文件)

  28. ===步骤===
  29. *编辑desktop文件如下
  30. <code>
  31. [Desktop Entry]
  32. EncOding=UTF-8
  33. Version=1.0
  34. Type=Application
  35. Terminal=false
  36. Name=i18nMeego
  37. Name[zh]=国际化翻译
  38. Name[zh_HK]=国际化翻譯
  39. Name[zh_TW]=国际化翻譯w
  40. Exec=invoker --single-instance --type=d /opt/i18nMeego/bin/i18nMeego
  41. Icon=/usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/i18nMeego.svg
  42. X-Window-Icon=
  43. X-HildonDesk-ShowInToolbar=true
  44. X-Osso-Type=application/x-executable
  45. </code>
  46. 注意:在编辑中文字符时要使用UTF-8编码

  47. *例子:[[file:I18nMeego.zip]]

  48. ===相关链接===
  49. *[[Qt_开发|Qt 开发]]
  50. *[[Meego开发| MeeGo/Maemo开发]]

  51.   [[Category:Lang-Chinese]]

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发表于 2014-2-1 12:07:06 | 显示全部楼层
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