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Tizen - 一个没有穿衣服的皇帝

发表于 2015-6-25 14:46:50 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
* *皇帝没穿衣服 * *

当前“Tizen社区”设置透明的“社区剧场”而不是一个真正的社区。 网络论坛是无意义的鬼城。 甚至邮件也只能产生小的有用的订阅人数。

造成这种局面的根本原因是显而易见的,虽然无法形容的期望的勇敢/愚蠢一些像我这样在经济上不依赖于三星。 Tizen现在是三星项目在各个方面都是有意义的。 Linux基金会几乎没有作用。 Tizen协会现在几乎完全与三星。

英特尔已经交付看似是合同义务 船Tizen新3.0 ,通过支付Eurogicial工作,现在看似存在的阶段了。 他们会宣布他们不再致力于Tizen吗? 也许几个月,几个月时间,也许不会。 我怀疑他们会想要公开视为 倾销移动Linux项目后再MeeGo ,但这似乎正是他们所做的事情。 Tizen没有制定出他们想要的方式。 似乎没有人有兴趣的x86芯片为移动,和他们可以没有Tizen x86销售物联网,所以在Tizen那还剩下什么给他们呢? 什么都没有。

所以Tizen很混乱的“官方计划”。 它被操作的完整性很长,很长时间,因为我第一次注意到2014年8月与我 Tizen项目坏了。 我们将花一些时间 后没有官方回应。 当你的开源项目甚至不能被打扰,召集一个官方回应有人公开声明,您的项目是“破”,我认为这本身说明。 几乎在同一天,我被说服了 Kitsilano软件加入Tizen协会 再次,Tizen项目踢社区的牙齿 沉默之间的OSP谋杀2.3 2.3 Alpha和Beta 语义版本控制,显示完整的蔑视和合作伙伴和社区,通过打破所有现有的本地应用。

这个可怕的所有这一切的根源是三星从闭门运行Tizen显示。 的承诺 2013年12月宣布Tizen开放治理 (所以,一个完整的19个月前)——仍然是。 一个承诺。 因为只开放管理总是Tizen 3。 x,而不是持续的工作Tizen 2。 x是100%的商业Tizen平台有关的生活。 所有这是一个真正的商业Tizen产品已经由三星。 他们所有的人都在Tizen 2。 x -甚至 即将到来的齿轮一个smartwatch 。 有努力被三星应用开发者Tizen 3。 x档案,但即使是现在,没有公开承诺或时间表Tizen 3。 x产品被三星出货。

再一次,无法形容的,但所有这些显而易见的解决方案是非常简单的。 说真话。 Tizen显然是一个三星项目。 也许这不是原计划。 我们都希望这是一个与许多赞助商合作项目,包括硬件制造商、电信公司、软件公司、等。像桌面Linux。 没有工作,现在是有效地再次得到批准。 甚至Bada部分又被杀了。 这是罚款。 让我们叫它喜欢它。 二不是一件坏事。

所以我们现在在一个位置Tizen只是再次得到批准。 三星Linux项目,工作的方式几乎相同的Android。 闭门三星做的所有工作,并释放源滴点。 你可以把这些版本和叉,做你想做的,但仅此而已。 甚至不可能用于Tizen时 植物许可 ,但在Tizen是一切有用的 Apache许可 现在,所以,现在是可能的。 RzR 和 利昂 和其他显示的价值Tizen护壁板项目,尽管这是僵尸Tizen 3.0代码库。

Tizen不必是一个Linux基金会的项目是有价值的。 三星正在推动。 这是罚款。 他们应该把这个项目从Linux基金会并运行它自己,通过三星开源中心。 我希望这个计划,这就是为什么布莱恩是三星移动。 布莱恩在三星,一个真正的Tizen社区可以由项目/社区界面正确地在三星,而不是奇怪的Linux基金会/ Tizen协会/ Tizen指导小组/三星/英特尔汤官方线这一点。

Tizen需要只是一个三星开源项目。 如果三星是缺乏诚信,那么它将继续开发Tizen 2。 永远x代码线(城堡后面的墙),所以,三星可以避免的开放管理承诺19个月前虽然说他们从来没有打破任何承诺,因为治理只是Tizen 3。 x和他们不是航运任何Tizen 3。 x产品。 如果三星真的希望Tizen不是“三星安卓”然后他们将开关,打开Tizen治理模型2。 x,或者开始航运产品基于Tizen 3. x。 像2016年的智能电视,接下来的齿轮装置后,和Z2 / Z3移动,等。或者,如果还有很长一段时间,然后切换实际切换宣布他们的计划。

所以…这是我的请求和建议。 请可以Tizen领导开始说真话吗? 请我们都可以诚实,承认Tizen三星项目吗? 不能多也不能少。 也许这不是最初的计划,但这是一个现实,已经几个月,甚至几年。 Linux基金会需要脱离。 Tizen协会需要死。 Tizen技术指导小组需要解散。 三星需要负责社区的参与。 三星需要要么诚实地站在闭门不理想的发展模式的发展紧随其后的是源滴——就像谷歌Android或承诺开放治理Tizen,实际上这样做。 Tizen 3。 接受了x代码库需要三星或死亡。

我Tizen以外的项目,但这一现实对我来说是一清二楚。 我的认知失调被刺耳的近一年了。 这是真的不健康对每个人都参与这个项目。 我无法想象它必须像盒子内的工作。 这就像一个虐待关系。 有一定程度的斯德哥尔摩综合症呆在这个破系统。 好消息是,足以解决这个问题是很容易的。 但三星需要领导这一变化,通过承认有一个(非常大)问题与当前设置,并通过改变。

所以你去。 这是你所说的发表自己的想法。 我用最好的长期意图Tizen项目所有工作人员。 不仅戳破。 因为我能够把这些思想,很多人可能每天,但是他们不能表达,因为这样做将是恩将仇报的,因为他们害怕的后果。 我不是。

我的生活经历告诉我, 权力说出真相 可以有参与其中的每个人都非常积极的结果,是一个非常罕见的特质。


http://bobsummerwill.com | http://kitsilanosoftware.com


The current “Tizen community” setup is transparently “community theater” rather than being a real community model. The web forums are pointless ghost-towns. Even the mailing lists usually yield little in the way of useful engagement.

The root cause of this is obvious, though unspeakable expect to the brave/stupid few like myself who are not dependent on Samsung financially. Tizen is now a Samsung project in every way which is meaningful. The Linux Foundation have little role. The Tizen Association are now almost entirely indistinguishable from Samsung.

Intel have delivered on what was seemingly a contractual obligation to ship Tizen IVI 3.0, by paying Eurogicial to do that work, and now have seemingly existed stage left. Will they ever announce that they are no longer working on Tizen? Maybe in months and months time, or maybe never. I doubt they will want to be publicly seen as dumping a Mobile Linux project AGAIN after MeeGo, but that appears to be exactly what they have done. Tizen didn’t work out the way they wanted. Nobody seems to have any interest in x86 chips for mobile, and they can get x86 sales for IoT without Tizen, so what is left for them in Tizen? Nothing.

So Tizen is in a shambles in terms of the “official plan”. It has been operating in a state of little integrity for a long, long time, as I first noted back in August 2014 with my The Tizen Project is broken. We will be spending some time apart post – to no official response. When your Open Source project cannot even be bothered to muster an official response to somebody stating publicly that your project is “Broken”, I think that speaks volumes in itself. Almost on the same day that I was persuaded to have Kitsilano Software join the Tizen Association, the Tizen Project yet again kicked the community in the teeth with the silent murder of OSP between 2.3 Alpha and 2.3 Beta, showing complete contempt for semantic versioning and for partners and the community, by breaking all existing native apps.

The unspeakable root cause of all of this is that Samsung run the Tizen show from behind closed doors. The promise of Tizen open governance which was announced in December 2013 (so, a full 19 months ago) – is still just that. A promise. Because the open governance was always ONLY for Tizen 3.x, not for the ongoing work on Tizen 2.x which is 100% of the commercially relevant life of the Tizen platform. Everything which is a real commercial Tizen product has been made by Samsung. All of them are on Tizen 2.x – even the forthcoming gear A smartwatch. There is effort being applied by Samsung developers on Tizen 3.x profiles, but even now, there is no public commitment or timelines for Tizen 3.x product to be shipped by Samsung.

Again, the unspeakable but obvious solution to all of this is very simple. To speak the truth. Tizen is OBVIOUSLY a Samsung project. Perhaps that wasn’t the original plan. We all wanted this to be a collaborative project with many sponsors, spanning hardware manufacturers, telcos, software companies, etc. Like desktop Linux. That didn’t work out, and now it is effectively just SLP again. Even the Bada part got killed. That is fine. Let’s call it like it is. SLP is not a bad thing.

So we’re now in a position where Tizen is really just SLP again. It’s a Samsung Linux project, working in a manner which is nearly identical to Android. Samsung does all the work behind closed doors, and does source drops at release points. You can take those releases and fork them and do what you want, but that’s about it. Even that didn’t used to be possible for Tizen when it was under Flora licensing, but everything useful in Tizen is Apache licensed too now, so that is now possible. RzR and Leon and others are showing the value in Tizen with their baseboard projects, though that is against the Tizen 3.0 zombie codebase.

Tizen doesn’t have to be a Linux Foundation project to be valuable. Samsung are driving. That is fine. They should remove the project from the Linux Foundation and run it themselves, through the Samsung Open Source Center. I hope that is the plan, and that is why Brian is moving to Samsung. With Brian at Samsung, a real Tizen community can be built with that project/community interface rightly being at Samsung, rather than in the weird Linux Foundation / Tizen Association / Tizen Steering Group / Samsung / Intel soup which has been the official line to this point.

Tizen needs to just be a Samsung open source project. If Samsung are lacking in integrity then it will continue to be developed on the Tizen 2.x codeline forever (behind the castle walls), so that Samsung can avoid the open governance which was promised 19 months ago while saying that they never broken any promises because that governance was only for Tizen 3.x and they are not shipping any Tizen 3.x products. If Samsung really want Tizen to be anything other than “Samsung’s Android” then they will switch to that open governance model for Tizen 2.x, or start shipping products based on Tizen 3.x. Like Smart TVs for 2016, and for the next Gear after Gear A, and for the Z2/Z3 mobile, etc. Or, if there is a long lead time for that switchover then to actually announce their plans for that switchover.

So … that would be my plea and recommendation. Please can the Tizen leadership start speaking the truth? Please can we all be honest and acknowledge that Tizen is a Samsung project? No more, no less. Maybe that wasn’t the original plan, but it is a reality, and has been for many months or even years. The Linux Foundation needs to disengage. The Tizen Association needs to die. The Tizen Technical Steering Group needs to be disbanded. Samsung needs to be responsible for community engagement. Samsung needs to either honestly stand behind the less-than-ideal development model of behind closed doors development followed by source drops – just as Google does for Android – or commit to open governance for Tizen and actually do that. The Tizen 3.x codebase needs to be embraced by Samsung or killed.

I am outside of the Tizen Project, but this reality is as clear as day to me. The cognitive dissonance has been jarring to me for nearly a year now. That is really unhealthy for everyone involved with the project. I cannot begin to imagine what it must be like to be working within that box. It’s like an abusive relationship. There is a degree of Stockholm syndrome to stay within that broken system. The good news is that it is easy enough to fix this. But Samsung needs to lead that change, by acknowledging that there is a (very big) problem with the current setup, and by making that change.

So there you go. That is what you call speaking your mind. I do it with the best long term intentions for everyone involved with the Tizen Project. Not just to be a prick. Because I am in a position to put these thoughts which many other people probably have every day, but they cannot articulate them, because to do so would be to bite the hand which feeds, and because they are afraid of the consequences of that. I am not.

My life experiences have taught me that speaking truth to power can have very positive outcomes for everyone involved, and is a very rare trait.

Go Tizen Go!

Bob Summerwill
Kitsilano Software
http://bobsummerwill.com | http://kitsilanosoftware.com


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